If your organization stores data and is connected to the Internet, it is not a matter of “if” a cyber-security incident will happen, but “when.” IBM reported that the total damage from data breaches in 2021 was 4.24M USD (up from 3.86M USD in 2020), easily the highest aggregated amount on record.
How do we protect that data, knowing that no solution is 100% fail-safe? It takes an organizational mindset which realizes that data privacy and security is a continuous, evolving process, as opposed to a “fire-and-forget” set of steps. The absolute best line of defense in preventing data security and privacy incidents is the awareness and vigilance of your employees. Even a non-technically-savvy employee’s single mouse click can mean the difference between your company resting easy, or having to pay millions of dollars to retrieve stolen personal data. In that vein, this webinar will cover:
- How and why a data breach prevention mindset is a company-wide measure
- Your best response(s) for when a breach occurs;
- Best methods for making data privacy and security measures usable to all employees, from the C-suite to managers to “front-line” employees.
January 11th, 2022 at 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST, 7:00 pm GMT
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